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2025. február 05.

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Till Anilla: Környezettudatos viselkedésváltozás az izlandi magyar diaszpóra tapasztalatainak tükrében



Eco-Conscious Behavioral Change in Light of the Experiences of the Hungarian Diaspora in Iceland

Diaspora communities are playing an increasingly significant role in global sustainability efforts. My research focuses on the Hungarian diaspora in Iceland, exploring how their environmentally conscious habits evolve within a society widely regarded as a model of sustainability. I conducted ten interviews with seven individuals and one threeperson focus group. The interviews with Hungarian expatriates in Iceland examine the impact of local sustainability practices and how these practices influence their decisions. Are Icelanders as environmentally conscious as they are perceived to be from Hungary? Do Hungarians readily adopt these habits, or do they retain their own practices? The aim of my research is to investigate how diaspora members transfer their cultural values to a new environment, and how the intersection of the two cultures can contribute to fostering a sustainable future. This research represents a segment of a broader investigation into Icelandic society’s sustainability efforts, with a specific focus on the experiences and adaptation processes of the Hungarian community.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62153/ksz.2024.4.ta

A tanulmány letöltése:


TILL Anilla

PhD-hallgató, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Kommunikációtudományi Doktori Program; a Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék munkatársa