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2024. október 20.

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Harrach Gábor: Egy kudarc boncképe: a felvidéki magyar politika 2023-as bukásának választásstatisztikája

Harrach Gábor: Egy kudarc boncképe: a felvidéki magyar politika 2023-as bukásának választásstatisztikája



Autopsy of a Failed Election: The Election Statistics for the Hungarian Political Set-back of 2023 in Slovakia

In the 2020 Slovakian election, none of the Hungarian parties obtained representation in parliament. Most–Híd (Bridge), which promotes a multi-ethnic ideology, and MKÖ – later known as Szövetség (Alliance) – which represents nationality Hungarian interests, both performed significantly below 5%. Three years later, in the 2023 Slovakian election, Most–Híd disappeared from the political map, while Szövetség, even in a new monopoly situation, remained below the parliamentary entry threshold – however, the party increased the number of its voters by 16 percent. If we examine the growth of the voters’ support in a territorial breakdown, we do not obtain clear geographical or ethnodemographical pattern. Moreover, the significant increase in support for the Szövetség can be detected only in a few cities. The main reason for the election failure is that the party, which has a relatively determined ethnic policy, never had overwhelming support among Hungarian voters in Slovakia, and the fall of its competitor could not change this fact.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62153/ksz.2024.2.hg

A tanulmány letöltése:


Harrach Gábor

Történész, szociológus