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2025. február 05.

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Kecskés Blanka Ildikó: Esettanulmány: a San Diegó-i Magyar Ház múltja és jelene



The Hungarian House of San Diego

The study focuses on the House of Hungary in San Diego and its community, with a special emphasis on the history of the house, the formation of the community, and its past and present challenges. It also discusses the House’s formative periods, generational differences, and the role the House plays in the lives of Hungarians in San Diego at present. For a Hungarian community in the diaspora, beyond the regular annual events and the number of people, it is important to see the content behind it, what has changed and what is likely to change over the years. In this context, I will write in detail about the functioning and role of the Hungarian school, as it is essential and key to the life of a community and to the preservation of Hungarian identity. In addition to the role of the Hungarian school in shaping the community, Hungarian gastronomy also plays a major role.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62153/ksz.2024.4.kbi

A tanulmány letöltése:


KECSKÉS Blanka Ildikó

Egyetemi hallgató, Andrássy Gyula Budapesti Német Nyelvű Egyetem, Közép-Európatanulmányok – Kultúrdiplomácia